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Although the road surface has evolved over the years, the structure beneath the asphalt has remained. The original structure was not intended to support an asphalt surface, nor the heavy vehicle and industrial traffic that currently travel the road in high volume. These factors combined have cause Back Enderby Road to deteriorate to its current condition.
Construction is expected to begin in July and is anticipated to be complete by October. Typical hours of work will be from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, although there may be some requirement for weekend work as the project progresses. Please be aware that there will be heavy equipment working in the area as crews remove the existing road and complete the project improvements.
Throughout construction, the affected portion of Back Enderby Road will remain open and will be reduced to single-lane alternating traffic. The Sneesby Creek culvert replacement is scheduled to take place in the third and fourth weeks of August, at which time, Back Enderby Road will be closed to all traffic. Upon completion of the culvert replacement, single-lane alternating traffic will resume until construction is complete. All efforts will be made to mitigate impacts to adjacent properties and the surrounding environment.
As part of the project, we will be replacing culverts under driveways along Back Enderby Road. To do this work safely and quickly, there will be part of a day when directly impacted residents will be unable to drive in or out of their driveway. Each of these residents will be notified in person by the contractor prior to this construction. Timing of construction may vary, as it depends on weather and other logistics. We really appreciate your patience and cooperation!
Dust is not anticipated to be a significant issue; however, dust control measures such as frequent use of water when excavating and proper storage will be implemented to protect adjacent areas and site personnel.
In 2018, a road condition assessment was completed to understand current Township roads and projected life expectancies. Also completed in 2018, was an assessment of the existing drainage culverts throughout the Township. The assessments highlighted that Back Enderby Road is nearing the end of its useful life expectancy and drainage improvements were required to prevent future flooding damage. The upcoming improvements will include removal of the existing road, to be replaced with a suitable road structure and new asphalt. Improvements will also be made to the ditch drainage system and culverts will be replaced within the corridor.
The upcoming improvements will include removal of the existing road, to be replaced with a suitable road structure and new asphalt. Improvements will also be made to the ditch drainage system; culverts will be replaced within the corridor.
Updates on relevant construction activities will be provided once construction begins in July 2020. Total Capital Construction Cost: $1.2 Million
Tyler McNeill Manager of Operations
Township of Spallumcheen 250-546-3013 tyler.mcneill@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca