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The Province is working in collaboration with partners in the agricultural community, as well as with other levels of government, to support B.C. farmers and ranchers as they face serious effects from wildfire and drought.

“Supporting our agriculture producers is top of mind for me and I have been in touch and continue to speak with farmers and ranchers about the challenges they are facing,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “Our staff are in regular contact with BC Dairy, the BC Cattlemen’s Association and the BC Agriculture Council, as well as farmers and ranchers who are on the ground and are working through these challenges in real time. We are collaborating on solutions and to expand supports. I want to assure people that we are working hard to ensure the agriculture community is supported and to our farmers and ranchers, I want you to know that we are here for you.”

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has existing programs and partnerships in place to support farmers and ranchers and is working with partners to add more supports. It is important for farmers and ranchers to know that a provincial state of emergency does not need to be declared in order for them to receive support, such as AgriRecovery, and through other assistance programs.

Full Press Release from the Province of BC available here