Report invasive plants found on public land using the Report Invasive App
Invasive species and noxious weeds are non-native plant species that are highly adaptable, difficult to control, grow aggressively and out-compete our local plants and cultivated crops. Causing damage to our ecosystems and possible harm to livestock, pets and humans, it is important to identify, control and report these weeds as soon as possible. In accordance with British Columbia's Weed Control Act, the control of noxious weeds and invasive plants found on private land is the responsibility of the land owner.
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Spotlight On:
Poison Hemlock
Poison hemlock is a biennial that can grow up to 3 m tall. It crowds out desirable forage species and can poison livestock and humans. In the first year, plants form a small seedling that resembles wild carrot. White flowers are borne in umbrella-like clusters supported by a stalk. Leaves are shiny, green, and finely divided and have a strong musty odour.
Poison hemlock can be controlled by digging, repeated mowing, pulling, or spring/winter burns. Care should be taken to avoid contact with bare skin (wear gloves). Wash hands thoroughly after handling any part of this plant.
Scotch Thistle
Scotch thistle is a biennial or perennial native to Europe and Asia that reproduces through thousands of seeds that can survive in the soil for over 30 years. Growing up to 3 m tall with spine-edged wings that run up the sides of the stems, it creates dense stands that are extremely difficult for humans and animals to walk through. The flowers are large pink, purple or sometimes reddish. Leaves are irregularly lobed, have sharp yellow spikes, and are covered in woolly hairs that give the foliage a grey-green appearance.
Prevention is the best approach. Mowing or hand-cutting are usually most effective in combination with other methods. Plants can regrow from severed roots and cut stems may still produce viable seed. Because Scotch thistle can produce seed even after being mowed, mowing alone is not recommended. See the Scotch Thistle Factsheet
Hoary Cress
Hoary cress is a perennial plant that invades open, sunny areas such as hayfields, meadows, and roadsides. It spreads by roots and seeds and crowds out native vegetation. A single plant can produce 4,800 seeds and can spread up to 3.5 m2 per year.
Hoary cress grows from 10-60 cm tall and has numerous white flowers with 4 petals each. These dense flower clusters give the weed a flat-topped appearance early in the season. Leaves on mature plants are hairy and shaped like arrowheads. Upper leaves on immature plants are typically hairless and clasp the stem.
Stork's Bill
This member of the geranium family often grows in low, dense stands and can cause significant yield reductions, with seeds that can be difficult to remove from small seeded crops. The seeds are capable of surviving for 1-3 years in the soil. Stork’s bill grows aggressively, is drought tolerant, can be a host for plant diseases and can thrive in a variety of soil types.
Stork’s bill stalks are erect and grow to about 40 cm (16 in.) tall. The leaves resemble carrot leaves, and the pink or purplish flowers are about 1 cm (1/2 in.) in size and grow in clusters of 2-12 flowers on long flower stalks. At the maturity stage, the seed splits into five segments, each with a spiraled tail.
Cultivation (rototilling or hoeing) will effectively eliminate plants. Hand-pull to eliminate weeds. Apply organic mulches, such as bark, compost, grass clippings, straw, and other materials, in a layer from two to several inches thick for effective weed management.
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