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The Township of Spallumcheen Council invites you to participate in our 2nd Farming Roundtable of 2023 on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 9:30 am. This meeting will be in person at the Township Municipal Hall located at 4144 Spallumcheen Way. An option to join electronically is available here: Electronic Meeting Link

Agenda Items include:

  • Water Conservation and Long-Term Management of the Aquifer - Update on the water conservation planning underway at the Township
  • Provincial Grant Availability for Agricultural Producers - To provide information related to available grant programs currently open to agricultural producers
  • Grant Writing Assistance Available from the Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce - To provide information on the available assistance and what the process looks like for agricultural producers
  • Update on Agri-Hub Initiative 

    Please **RSVP your attendance to mail@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca or call Maureen at 250-546-3013. 

**RSVP is not required in order to attend - we would love to see you!  Please join us if your schedule allows.