A Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Township of Spallumcheen at 4144 Spallumcheen Way, Spallumcheen, BC on November 20, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. to hear representations on the following matters:
Temporary Use Permit 22-062-TUP
The applicant is requesting that Agri-Tourism Accommodation be considered as a Temporary Use on a portion of the subject property located at 4289 Salmon River Road legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 996, Township 17, Range 9, W6M, Kamloops Division, Yale District, Plan KAP21672, Except Plan KAP92511 PID: 007-331-550, for a term of 3 years.
In accordance with Division 8 – Part 14 of the Local Government Act a Temporary Use Permit may be issued for a maximum period of three years and may be renewed once. Council may specify conditions that the Permittee must follow.
You can review the draft Permit and pertaining documents in the Public Hearing Binder 22-062-TUP.
All written submissions should identify the subject as “Temporary Use Permit 22-062-TUP – Public Hearing Input” as the subject of the submission.
Township of Spallumcheen Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw 2110, 2023
The intent of the above noted Bylaw is to amend the text to provide new options for cluster development subdivision in the Small Holding (S.H) zone and to increase accessory building flexibility in the Residential Single Family (R.1) zone. This bylaw amendment would impact any property in the Township zoned R.1 or S.H.
You can review the draft Bylaw and pertaining documents in the Public Hearing Binder 23-021-TWP-ZTA.
All written submissions should identify the subject as “Zoning Text Amendment Bylaw No. 2110, 2023 – Public Hearing Input” as the subject of the submission.
Township of Spallumcheen OCP & Zoning Text Amendment Bylaws 2127, 2023 & 2128, 2023
The intent of the above noted Bylaws are to amend:
1. the Township of Spallumcheen Official Community Plan Bylaw 1794, 2011, by amending the future land use designation from Large Holding (LH) to Small Holding (SH) and Country Residential (CR); and
2. the Township of Spallumcheen Zoning Bylaw 1700, 2008, by permitting a rezoning from Large Holding (L.H) to Small Holding (S.H) and Country Residential (C.R)
for the lands legally described as:
a) Lot 2, District Lot 47, Sections 27 and 34, Township 17, Range 10, W6M, K.D.Y.D., Plan KAP30452 (5185 Salmon River Road); and
b) Lot 3, District Lot 47, Sections 27 and 34, Township 17, Range 10, W6M, K.D.Y.D., Plan KAP30452 (5175 Salmon River Road)
You can review the draft Bylaws and pertaining documents in the Public Hearing Binder 22-054-OCP/RZ.
All written submissions should identify the subject as “OCP & Zoning Text Amendment Bylaws 2127, 2023 & 2128, 2023 – Public Hearing Input” as the subject of the submission.
If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the subject matter above, you shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the proposals. The Township of Spallumcheen will be receiving written and verbal submissions as follows:
Written submissions via email (mail@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca), regular mail, or delivered in person to the Township office (4144 Spallumcheen Way, Spallumcheen, BC, V0E 1B6).
Verbal submissions during the scheduled meeting – in person or via electronic attendance see the meeting links here.
*Your name and address must be clearly stated for both verbal and written submissions*
If there is a large number of in-person attendees, Council may recess the Public Hearing to a different venue on a different date.
Copies of the aforementioned bylaw(s) may be inspected at the office of the Township of Spallumcheen from November 9 to November 20, 2023 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. For further information, please contact the Planning and Development Services Department (250) 546-3013 or planner@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca.
Tags: public hearing, bylaw amendment, temporary use permits