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Please be advised that the Township of Spallumcheen Council will be considering up to three readings of two bylaws at their Regular Council Meeting being held on  Monday, September 11, 2023 at 5:30 pm as outlined below. The bylaws will first be introduced at their Committee of the Whole Meeting held on Monday, September 11, 2023 at 9:00 am for discussion.

Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 2117, 2023
In accordance with Section 94, 94.1 & 124 of the Community Charter notice is hereby given that the Township of Spallumcheen intends to amend the Township of Spallumcheen Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2067, 2023

The amendment bylaw, in general, proposes the following amendments:

By removing the Township’s website from the definition of “Public Notice Posting Places”,
By defining “website” in the bylaw, and
By adding under section 2.1 a directive for staff to have a newly appointed Council, as soon as possible after an election, review three documents as follows:

1) The Township’s Purchasing Policy
2) The Township’s Delegation of Authority Bylaw, and 
3) The Township’s Council Procedure Bylaw.    

Alternative Means of Public Notice Bylaw No. 2118, 2023

In accordance with Section 94, 94.1 & 94.2 of the Community Charter notice is hereby given that the Township of Spallumcheen intends to adopt the Township of Spallumcheen Alternative Means of Public Notice Bylaw No. 2118, 2023

The bylaw, in general, proposes the following:

  • will allow for alternative means of publishing a notice in a staged approach over 2023 and 2024 as well as provide clarity regarding statutorily required public notice requirements. The staged approach will have General Statutory Advertising maintained under section 94 of the Community Charter until December 31, 2024 and Land Use Statutory Advertising maintained until December 31, 2023 whereby after those dates statutory ads will be provided as follows:
  1. In the Public Notice Posting Place;
  2. The Township of Spallumcheen website; and
  3. Electronic newsletter subscription service.

Public Review & Meeting Attendance:

Both bylaws will be available for public inspection at the municipal office Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, except statutory holidays as well as on the Township of Spallumcheen website.  If you have any questions, please contact the office in person, via phone at 250-546-3013, or via email at mail@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca.

If you wish to review the agendas, they are posted on the website the Thursday prior to the meeting (as per the Township’s Council Procedure Bylaw) and can be found here:  https://spallumcheen.civicweb.net/portal/

If you wish to attend the Committee of the Whole or Regular Council meetings, they are held in the Council Chambers located at 4144 Spallumcheen Way, Spallumcheen, BC or electronically with the links available here: 


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Cindy Webb, Corporate Officer