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Township of Spallumcheen Council 2022-2026
Back row (left to right)
Councillor Todd York, Councillor John Bakker, Councillor Joe Van Tienhoven, Councillor Gerry Popoff, Councillor Andrew Casson
Front row (left to right)
Mayor Christine Fraser, Councillor Christine LeMaire
Please submit correspondence to Mayor and Council via email at mail@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca
or by mail at:
Township of Spallumcheen Council, 4144 Spallumcheen Way, Spallumcheen BC, V0E 1B6
Mayor and Council Members contact information.
Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of every month. If Monday is a Statutory Holiday, then the meeting is deferred until the following Tuesday. Meeting Schedules are adopted by Council annually and are posted publicly.
Council may, by resolution, cancel a meeting per month, dependent on the needs of the community. This usually happens in July and September, and occasionally in December. Notices of any changes are placed at Municipal Hall and listed on the News and Events tab of this website. Council may also call for additional Special Meetings as the need arises. Notices are placed at the Municipal Hall and listed on the News and Events tab of this website.
With the exception of Closed Meetings, all Council and Committee Meetings are open to the Public. You don’t have to be a resident or taxpayer of Spallumcheen to attend. Council may only go into a Closed Meeting if they are considering matters defined by Section 90 of the Community Charter. Closed meetings usually follow the Public Meeting. As required by statute, Notices of the Closed Meeting and the reason the meeting is closed are posted at the Municipal Hall.
The Council Meeting Agenda is prepared by the Administrator and approved by the Mayor. The Agenda format is set by the Township of Spallumcheen’s Council Procedure Bylaw and includes minutes of previous meetings, delegation requests, correspondence received, reports from Staff and Council members and municipal bylaws. The correspondence is limited to those letters that require Council action or items of public information.
Those persons wishing to make a presentation as a delegation must submit a request to appear in front of Council in writing. If your presentation includes information that you would like Council to have prior to the meeting please submit that as well.
Requests can be mailed to:
4144 Spallumcheen Way, Spallumcheen, BC, V0E 1B6
Faxed to (250) 546-8878 or; Emailed to mail@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca.
Requests to appear as a Delegation must be received at the Municipal Office prior to 12:00 noon on the Tuesday before the meeting.
Copies of the current Agendas are available on our website under the " Our Council" menu tab.
Copies of Open Council and Committee Minutes that have been adopted by Council are available on our website under the "Our Council" menu tab. All Open Council and Committee Minutes are also available at the Municipal Office.
General Elections for Local Governments (Municipal/Regional Districts/School Trustee) are held every four years in October. The next General Election is to be held in October 2022. By-Elections are held on a Saturday within 80 days after the appointment of the Chief Election Officer. As an exception, Local Governments may decide not to hold a By-Election if a position becomes vacant after July 1 in the year of the Local General Election. By-Elections are held when an elected position becomes vacant through resignation, death, disqualification or other circumstance under Section 37 of the Local Government Act. More information on Elections will available closer to the General Election date.